Tuesday, February 10, 2015

(FREE!) Manduka Renew Mat Wash Review

Hey y'all! Long time no blogging! It's that time of the year again. I'm back in the throws of school again. But I wanted to make a review post of this yoga mat spray that I recently got. I haven't blogged much about it but I have been doing yoga a lot the past few months offered by my college. I bought my Blogilates mat a while back but it's a little too attention grabbing for me so at the moment I have been using my black Oakley mat which I won back in 2013 at an obstacle course 5K.  I don't know how many times I've used it, but I do know that I have never given it a proper wash or wipe down which is scary considering that I use both sides and the floor on which I'm laying my mat on is probably not clean either. Long story short, my yoga mat needed some good ol' TLC.

My yoga instructor told me about a mat spray that he got for free from a website using a promo code and that was when I found Manduka.  They have 2oz. travel size bottles for $5 which I got for free using the promo code "grateful". I don't know if the code still works but you can give it a shot. Choose free shipping and you basically get a bottle of mat cleaner for FREE. I used my 2 debit cards to get 2 bottles (shameless I know! But when they run out, I will probably buy the big refill bottle.).  They come in three scents: Energizing Gingergrass, Soothing Citrus & Tranquil Lavender. I got the latter two and they smell great. Not a scent you would want to spray on yourself but a very clean scent nevertheless.

The actually process of ordering it online was top notch. I ordered the spray on February 1. It shipped on February 2. And it landed on my doorstep February 5. They came in a box that was way bigger than the actual bottle and it was covered in bubble wrap. I can feel they took extra care to make sure it was sent safely. So if you guys are looking to try out a mat spray for FREE, go to the Manduka website.

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