Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Month in Review: January 2014

This post will be sort of a hybrid of a monthly favorites post and a summary of how the month went for me.  One of my New Years Resolutions was to keep up with my blog more often. I'm still trying to update my daily entries for my 2 week vacation in Europe. Hopefully by the time this blog goes up, I will be all caught up.  I know my blog doesn't get a lot of hits. And honestly that doesn't matter to me. I don't care if 5 or 500 people read this. Though, 500 hits would be really cool.

I wanted to continually keep making posts because I want something that I can look back on when I'm older. I was never good at keeping a diary, unlike my brother who has somehow documented everyday of his life since middle school (he's 22 now!). I figured at the end of every month I could take a step back and see the progress I have made thus far. So without further ado, here is my review of January 2014.

I reigned in the New Year with my best friend.  We made New Years Resolution and cooking videos that I'm almost positive will never see the light of day.  I came back to visit my old high school and see some people I haven't seen in months.  I started my new life at my new college.  It's been a struggle but I know I just need to give it time.  The dining hall food is spectacular.  Let it be known, the freshman fifteen is real.  I find myself forcing to eat a salad for at least one of my meals every day.

So that was basically January 2014 for me. Now for some January favorites. Basically any tv shows, music, books, etc. that I discovered (or rediscovered) that I thought were worth mentioning.

Happy - Pharrell Williams
Happily - One Direction
Afraid - The Neighborhoods
Take Me Home - Midnight Red

Gotta weird mix of music here. I'm pretty sure I heard half these songs in 2013 but they have been some of my favorite songs this momnth.

Teen Wolf Season 3
Vampire Diaries Season 5
Law and Order: SVU Season 15

No new shows this month. Just a lot of midseason premieres. These are some that I have kept up with on my laptop since I don't have a tv to watch them on.


I made a resolution to read at least one book every month. And I failed miserably. So I'm going to aim for 2 books in February. Wish me luck.

One month down, eleven more to go. And yes I do realize we are halfway through February.

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