Thursday, October 30, 2014

BODYPOP ACTIVE Draw the Line Leggings: Review

Being at college, it is very hard to stay fit. Between juggling classes, getting enough sleep, socializing and remembering to eat, fitness falls fast on the list of priorities.  Fitness is very important, and I try to remain active and find time to do some type of workout. I take yoga classes twice a week and I try and run whenever I can.  Working out helps relieve stress and you feel so much better after a hard workout (because endorphins and such). As a girl who likes fashion, cute workout clothes are a major motivator. So when Cassey Ho from blogilates came out with a new active wear line with watercolor printed leggings I knew I had to have them. I couldn’t get them when they first came out since I was moving addresses but once they restocked, I made sure to snag a pair for myself. So that’s my whole deal with that. Now let’s get to the review.

Ordered: October 26, 2014
Shipped: October 27, 2014
Received: October 29, 2014

Crazy right!?!? 72 hours from when I clicked buy on to me opening my mailbox and seeing the package. I don’t know if everyone got their package this quickly or if I was just lucky, but that is super fast.

Draw the Line Leggings Size: Small Price $75.00 + $5 shipping 
Clutch: Free
Postcard: Free

As you can see they still had clutches when I had placed my order. If you are making an order, check if the CLUTCH coupon code still works. I’m not sure what I’d use it for, maybe holding makeup brushes or something.
The package came in a bag that was the size of the clutch. Inside were three items and the paper that showed my order.

Now to the actual leggings.  First off, the print is gorgeous. I’ve never seen any print like them. I hope whomever Cassey got to paint that design gives us a follow up, maybe a nice sky blue print perhaps? The fabric is a polyester/spandex blend. I am not a textile expert, but I will say that the leggings have a silky, smooth feel. By comparison my Forever 21 workout leggings with side mesh panels have a t-shirt/regular leggings type material (in other words, not at all silky). The leggings are thin and feel like a second skin. The pockets and mesh are a nice touch too. My only gripe about these leggings is that they don’t exactly fit me. I am around a size 4 and I’ve always had big legs. The leggings were a little hard to put on and I had to pull them all the way up because they were getting scrunched up at certain places. I don’t think it’s the fault of the company. It is hard to estimate sizes on an exclusively online store. But I will take it as a positive and motivate myself to run more and do leg workouts to fit into my beautiful leggings.

Overall: Fast shipping, extra goodies, high quality material/stitching, a little tight

Rating: 4.5/5

If you want to buy a pair I will put a link here:
Sidenote: I've been thinking of trying Ellie activewear? Any thoughts?


  1. When you exercise(running or pretty much anything) does the crotch area go down at all (like when you have to pull the waist up)? Cause I've had a few pairs of leggings that have done that. Thanks!:)

  2. Yeah I agree!! The print of this leggings is truly gorgeous. I would like to buy such pretty mesh leggingsfor me and my sister. We both are twins and we always do yoga in evening. So I would like to buy matching leggings for us.
